Friday, February 27, 2009

Making a Wii Smartboard

Can't afford to buy a SmartBoard for your classroom? You can make a homemade one for around $50 with an Apple computer and by following this short tutorial.


Aileen Jencius said...

Maybe my next project shuld be a smartboard......
-Aileen Jencius

tpoole said...

I love the idea. Our PTO is working with us to purchase a SmartBoard for every classroom. We hope to have the project completed in the next two to three years. This depends on if we receive grants.

AprilReign said...

I have learned more with you, Beth, then in any class. You have brought so many great ideas to light. Thanks.

Janet G. Taylor said...


I have had a Smartboard in my classroom for the last 2 years and I really enjoy it! I like the way that I can save class notes and post them so that students can use them again. It's especially good when students are out--they can get the notes on their own!