Friday, June 20, 2008

First Week cont.

My "Universal Principles of Design" book was delivered yesterday evening. I read through the first section of elements and I want to expand on color more, specifically saturation of color (described on page 38-39). As stated in the book, saturation refers to the amount of gray in a hue. As it increases, the amount of gray decreases.

I created an example from my own photo collection to illustrate saturation. Yes, that's me.

This is my original photo.

Manipulated Photo

Details: This photo had the saturation taken low (not to zero since there is a little color.) Before I removed most of the color I selected a 'hot pink' tone from one of the flowers with the eye dropper tool in Gimp (similar to Photoshop). After I lowered the saturation on the whole photo I used the lasso tool to select the middle rose. I then filled the 'hot pink' color in the selection area using the paint bucket with the screen mode and a 22 percent opacity.

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